Sunday, August 31, 2014

I went to a wedding! | Photo Diary

As you can tell from the title, I went to a wedding yesterday!  The wedding and reception looked absolutely gorgeous.  And of course, the bride and my friend, Angel, was gorgeous as well.  My feet still hurt from dancing, but that's a good sign, right?  Read more for my photo diary of all the wedding fun!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Drugstore Makeup | Haul + My Essentials

There are some things in makeup that I feel you don't need to spend a ton of money on.  The majority of the makeup I have, I get from the drugstore.  When I find something that works for me, I stick with it and go back to it whenever I run out.  It was about that time where I needed to pick up a few things.  I took a trip to Ulta and Target and I thought that I would share my essential drugstore makeup products with you all.  Enjoy!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Fashion Haul | H&M and Forever 21

Hey everyone! This is a collective haul from the past month.  Where I'm from we don't have Forever 21 or H&M, so I take full advantage whenever I'm near one.  You'll definitely see a reoccurring theme to everything I got.  Everything is very minimalistic and basic.  Some people may think it's boring, but it's just what I've been gravitating to.  I love the clean look to everything.  I have tried to branch out into more color, but I can't help myself!  Anyways, let's get to the haul...

On my first trip to Forever 21 I picked out this striped dress.  I've been into stripes more recently.  I think they're classic and you really can't go wrong with them.  Then I picked up some leggings.  As soon as I saw these I thought "AMERICAN APPAREL DISCO PANTS" without the insane price tag.  Although they don't have the zipper, button, and pockets, I think they're a great alternative for a steal.

You might have read my post from about a week and a half ago that I was out of town.  I was helping one of my best friends settle into her new apartment where she'll be going to dental school!  And it was a little mini vacay for me before I went back to school.  In the middle of all our errand running and her orientation, we found time to go to the mall (of course).

First thing I picked up from Forever 21 were these black/gray high rise skinny jeans.  These are AMAZING!  They're so comfortable and they look great on.  Then I found a blue pair and I just had to get them.  They aren't high rise but they look just as good.  For the price, I couldn't pass them up.

 Something that I've been on the look out for was a nice, slightly oversized button up.  I found a white one, tried it on with the jeans, and I was sold.  It was exactly what I was looking for.

A couple of days later I went back to the mall for the H&M opening.  This H&M was the biggest one I've been to, and it had such a bigger selection!  All other H&M's I've been to were very small, and it was very rare that I left the store with anything.  I actually had to come back later that day because the opening was so crazy and hectic that I couldn't concentrate (THE STRUGGLE).   When I did go back though, I found some great stuff.  I think H&M might be my new favorite store...

I've been trying to find a good denim button up that wasn't insanely priced, and I finally found one!  I also got a gray t-shirt dress with cut off sleeves, and it's very comfortable.  As soon as I saw it I knew how and where I wanted to wear it.  (I'll have a blog post about that soon.)  Then I picked up a graphic sweater.  I LOVE graphic tees, and I had to get the sweater because it's perfect to wear at school in those cold class rooms!

To end this post I'll leave you with this...

I went to Ikea for the first time on that trip!  We had dinner there and I went for the classic Swedish meatballs! SO GOOD!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Organization Tip | Reusing Candle Jars

A few weeks ago I was cleaning my dresser and makeup storage, and I needed something to store a few things better.  I saw that I had some candle jars that were just sitting around, and that made me think of past videos I've seen of people recycling those jars.  Now I use them to store a few things on my dresser.  All my candles are from Bath and Body Works.  I love them because the lid designs are so pretty! There are so many ways you could use these jars, and it's a great way to same some money!

Here are a few ways I used them...

Since these mason jar candles are longer, I like to use these for some of my makeup brushes.  

Lipsticks fit perfectly in these candle jars!  I also like that they are easy to grab and this also makes it easier to see the names of the lipsticks because of the glass.

I have tons of hair ties, and candle jars a great way to store them.  I love that I can see all the designs as well.

If you've never cleaned out a candle jar, click "read more" below to see how I did it.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fall Transition Nails

I hate to say it, but my Summer is coming to an end :( For many of you, you're Summer might be over already!  But I must say that I am very excited for the Fall weather to come.  Fall beauty and fashion is my favorite.  One of my favorite things about the Fall are all the gorgeous nail polish collections that come out.  If you've read my blog before you might have noticed that I have big love for dark nail colors.  In the August and September months, colors start changing and darker colors are coming out in beauty and fashion.  If you like to stick with the colors of the seasons, you might find yourself looking for some Fall transition colors.

While I was away this week, I had some spare time to do my nails.  I only brought this color with me.  It's from Ulta, and it is one of my all time favorite nail polishes.  It applies great and it lasts a long time.  This is usually the first color I go to when Fall is approaching.  It's light enough for Summer and deep enough for the Fall.  It's the perfect Fall transition color.

What are your favorite Fall transition colors? 
I hope you had a great week! xo

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Travel | A few of my packing tips

Hey everyone!  I'm out of town for the week, and I've managed to finally get wifi!  Since I've traveled a couple of time in the past few weeks, I thought that I would talk about some tips for packing.  It takes me FOREVER to pack a suitcase, and it can be very stressful.  I could literally spend a whole day deciding what to pack, but I've found a few tips that help ease my mind that I thought I would share.  Whether I'm going on vacation or spending a few days out in a another city a couple hours away, I always do these things.
  • Try to find out exactly what you'll be doing on your trip.  This way you get a better idea of what kinds of clothes you need to bring, and you won't pile every piece of clothing you have in your suitcase "just in case."
  • Check the weather forecasts.  This is one of the first things I do.  You never know when the weather will turn on you and you're stuck wearing jeans on a ridiculously hot day. 
  • Pair outfits together and try them on.  This is one of the biggest lifesavers.  If you plan your outfits and know what they look like on ahead of time, it will also save you time on your trip from deciding what you want to wear.  If you want to take it to another level, take a photo of your outfit with all the accessories you plan to wear with it.  This will also help you to make sure you don't forget anything when you pack up to leave.  
  • Take your essential makeup products.  I used to be the kind of girl who would say, "maybe I'll bring this palette because I might want to try a different look."  IT NEVER HAPPENS.  Stick to makeup looks you are most comfortable doing and only bring the essentials.   
These are a few tips that have helped me out when I pack.  If you have any other tips, leave comments.  I'll take any help I can get :)

I hope you're having a great week! xo

Friday, August 8, 2014

Spot Treatment | What I use to hide blemishes

Hey guys!  I feel like it's been forever since I blogged.  My laptops been undergoing some surgery for the past few days, and I just got it back!

Lately my face has gone rogue and it has left me a bit spotty, which has been VERY frustrating.  I don't wear liquid foundation, so I always turn to spot treatment.  Spot treating is great because you use less product on your face.  I haven't found a foundation that doesn't feel heavy or doesn't look cakey, so a good concealer has been a life saver for me.

There are two things that I turn to whenever I try to cover up any blemishes or spots.  I use the L'Oreal True Match crayon concealer.  I use the shade light/medium n4-5.  This concealer works great for me.  It blends really nicely and it has great coverage.  I also use the Real Techniques pointed foundation brush to apply the concealer.   I prefer to dab the brush onto the concealer crayon and then apply it on my face. I found that it keeps me from applying too much.  If I have any redness, I'll apply the concealer on there too.  The last thing I do is add on some mineral powder all over my face.

One thing to note about covering up spots and blemishes is that you don't need a single foundation to do all the work for you.  Find a concealer that works for you.  After you apply your foundation, spot treat what you can still see, and that will keep you from looking cakey or overly made up!

Have a great weekend! xo

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Liebster Award

A few days ago I saw that I was nominated for a Liebster Award by Style and Grace!  I had no clue what that was so I looked it up on Google, and I love the idea behind it.  It's basically bloggers supporting bloggers.  I've only been blogging for about 2 months, so I was surprised to see that someone actually had my blog in mind.  Thank you so much again Grace! And check her out if you haven't already :)

Update: I just saw I was nominated again by Joan!  I already had this post finished and ready to publish, so to save people from reading too much, I'll just answer the first batch of questions.  Thank you so much Joan!  


1. The nominee has to answer the 11 questions posed by their nominator.
2. The nominee has to nominate 11 other people with less than 200 followers.
3. And then, the nominee must write 11 questions of their own.

If you've already been nominated, it's totally fine not to answer my questions :) 

Grace's questions:

1. If someone gave you unlimited funds right now to re-decorate your home or re-vamp your wardrobe, which would you choose?

Well I don't have my OWN home yet, so I would re-vamp my wardrobe.  My style has changed so much within the last year and there's so many pieces I would get rid of.  So having unlimited funds to replace them with more "me" things would be amazing!

2. What is the one fashion accessory you could never give up?

Probably a purse.  I never go anywhere without one.  I feel naked if I don't have one with me haha

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?

London! Well, a few places in the UK actually.  If you ask me where I want to travel when I have the opportunity to, London is ALWAYS the first thing I say.  From what I've seen through YouTubers and blogs, it seems like I relate to it way more than where I am now.  I love it, and I can't wait to really go there one day.

4. What made you decide to start your blog and what is your favorite thing about blogging?

For the longest time I wanted to make a YouTube channel.  I've tried filming videos with a few people, but it's really hard to do when you don't have a good camera.  Plus, I'm still a student, and that takes up a lot of time too.  I took a social media class my spring semester of this year and had to make a social media plan for a product, which included making a blog.  After doing that I decided that I would get into blogging once the school year was over since I'd have plenty of time to focus on it over the Summer.  Now I have one up and running :) My favorite thing about blogging is that I talk about things that I genuinely love.  I get to read other blogs that love the same things I do, but at the same time we are all very different.

5. You're running late getting ready in the morning and have to decide between doing your hair or your makeup. Which do you decide to do?

I would do my makeup.  I like feeling fresh faced, and I actually like the look of messy, effortless hair.

6. Do you have one go-to beauty product you couldn't live without?

Ahh it's so hard to pick one! But if I had to pick one it would be lip balm.  I HATE that feeling of dry lips.

7. What is the fall fashion trend you are most looking forward to trying?

I haven't done my research on up and coming fall fashion trends, but I do love being able to layer in the cooler weather.  Fall fashion is my favorite fashion :)  

8. Who is your style icon and why?

It's so hard to choose one style icon! I love Blake Lively's red carpet looks, and I've always loved Kourtney Kardashian's style. 

9. Where is your favorite place to shop when looking for fashion on a smaller budget?

Definitely Forever 21!

10. Would you rather shop online or in an actual store?

Store.  Even though it can get hectic in stores, I like to feel confident in my purchases.  I need to try it on and get a good feel of the material.

11. Describe your style in one sentence: 

My style is dressed up casual made up of minimalistic and basic pieces.  (This was really hard to come up with.)

I nominate...

1. Trendy Thursday

2. The Green Eye Effect

3. Kel Paiva

4. ALittleRosy

5. GabrielllleRose

6. Clutter and Coffee

7. Life is Short by Laura Nugent


9. Blonde Stuff

10. Oh Dreaming

11. Kirsten Gillies

My Questions:

1. Why did you start your blog?

2. What's your casual go-to outfit when you don't have time to plan out what to wear?

3. Name 3 of your favorite music artists.

4. Name one of your favorite drugstore and high end makeup products.

5. Top 3 places you want to travel to?

6. Do you have friends who love makeup and fashion as much as you do?

7.  Do you have a favorite YouTuber?  If so, who is it and why?

8. When you go out shopping, which store do you ALWAYS have to go to?

9. What do you order at Starbucks?

10. If you had to recommend one makeup product to me, what would it be?

11. How long does it usually take you to finish one blog post?

Sunday, August 3, 2014

July Favorites

Hey guys!  I wanted to end this week off with my July Favorites.  Enjoy :)


E.L.F. Flawless Concealer Brush - Even though it's a concealer brush, I use this to blend out my eye shadow.  I noticed that I've been using this as my only eye makeup brush because it's so easy to apply and blend with.  It's perfect for the days when I go for a simple and quick makeup look.

Into Astrono-Me - I did a post on this Ulta nail polish talking about how it's one of my favorite nail colors to wear year round.  I literally wore this every day in July!


Kate Spade Bangle - I love this bangle!  It can be worn casual and dressy.  I picked this one out because it looked classic and I just wanted a simple bangle that could go with everything.

High Rise Shorts - July was blazing hot, so shorts were a must.  There are two pairs in particular that I wore a lot in July.  One is from Forever 21, and they are high rise and acid washed.  The other pair is from American Eagle.  They are the perfect pair of black high rise shorts and probably the most comfortable pair of shorts that I have!

Converse High Tops - A few weeks ago I got a new pair of shoes that I wish I would have gotten a looooong time ago.  I got my first pair of Converse.  For months and months I debated on whether or not I wanted high tops or the standard pair.  I always told myself I wanted high tops, but I got so indecisive and conflicted that I would just leave the store empty handed.  I finally went with my gut and got high tops and I am in love!


Tim Tams - My friend Summer went to Australia a couple months ago and brought me back some of the original Tim Tams, and they were so good!  A couple weeks ago she gave me another pack, but this time they were white chocolate.  During the month of July I treated myself to those.  So yummy :)

Drink - In July I tried a new Starbucks drink.  I was watching Marcus Butler's YouTube videos and he was raving about the Cool Lime Refreshers, so I tried it out and they are delicious!

Human - My favorite YouTuber this month is MirandaSings because Miranda obviously.


Stay High (Habits remix) ft. Hippe Sabotage - Tove Lo
Beside You - 5 Seconds of Summer
Wherever You Are - 5 Seconds of Summer

Have a great month of August! xo