Friday, September 26, 2014

Fall is here! | Things I'm excited for...

Happy Fall everyone!  I'm so excited that the Fall season is finally here!  There are so many things that I love that come during this season.  Anything from beauty, fashion, and's my absolute favorite during the Fall.  I thought I'd make a post about what I'm most excited for.  Where I'm from, Fall weather doesn't really kick in until later in the months, but it's nice to get excited about it, right?  Let's get started!

  • Dark Colors - I wear dark colors year round, but wearing them during the fall just brings a totally different vibe.  I love wearing black, but in the Fall there are lots of deep reds, grays, and blues that I really love!
  • Layers - Wearing layers is probably the thing I've looked forward to the most.  Being able to layer up makes getting dressed so much easier and faster.  I love throwing on sweaters, cardigans, and scarves.  They instantly make you look like you've spent a lot of time getting ready.
  • Beauty - Like I said before, I love the deep colors that come out in the Fall.  Other than having those colors in your wardrobe, I am all about the dark lips and nails!  I love the neutral eye and face looks with that pop of deep red on the lips.
  • Boots - Autumn is the time where all the boots come out.  Whether they're booties, Uggs, or knee highs...I love them all! 
  • Plaid - One of my go-to outfits during the fall is a nice pair a leggings and an oversized plaid flannel button up.  It's so comfortable and effortless, but it it can look like a very put together outfit as well.  
  • Halloween - What can I say?  Halloween is one of the funnest times of the year! I'm already brainstorming what I want to be this year.
  • My Birthday - My birthday is in October, so that's a great reason to love fall :) 
These are some things I'm looking forward to!  What about you?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Music Midtown Festival | Photos and Outfits

Hey everyone!  This past weekend I went to Atlanta for the Music Midtown Festival, and I had the best time!  Like any other huge and crowded event, there were some problems with people splitting up and getting lost, but aside from that everything was great.  The weather was perfect...there was lots of sun and no rain! I loved all the music, and I finally got to see Lana Del Rey!  Saturday night ended with a crazy fun show by Eminem.  I totally didn't realize how many of his songs I knew growing up.  I even lost my voice from all the singing and yelling I was doing!  Overall, it was a great weekend and I would love to go again.  It was an amazing way to end Summer.  Hopefully there will be another Music Midtown post around this time next year :)

Read more for photos and my festival outfit details...

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Disguising Tired Eyes | Concealer Routine

Hey everyone! It's been a pretty busy week for me school wise, and I haven't been getting much sleep. You know what that means...puffy eyes and dark under eye circles!  But even if I'm not trying to conceal a few hours of sleep, I like to have my under eye area nice and bright.  I think it's a great way to highlight that area without using shiny and shimmery products.  For a girl who has oily skin, I don't really need added shine to my face, especially since it's still hot out.  Today I'm going to share my under eye concealing/brightening routine.  I use all drugstore products, and these are products I trust and know will work for me.  Let's get started...

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ed Sheeran Concert | Photos and Videos

The day finally came! I saw Ed Sheeran live for the second time Friday night, and I am still getting over how amazing it was.  If you've seen him live then you know what I mean.  The last time I saw him, it was in a much smaller theater, and seeing him play in an arena was so cool.  That goes to show how his audience has grown so much.  Read more on my experience and for photos and videos...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rediscovered | L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadow

Hey guys!  I feel like it's been forever!  I haven't posted in a week because my school schedule has kept me a little busy, but I've finally found time to blog!  Today I want to talk about a product I rediscovered.  I was looking through my makeup collection last night, and I found an eyeshadow I haven't used in a while.  I picked up my L'Oreal Infallible eyeshadow in "Amber Rush," and I instantly fell in love with it again.  I think this is one of the prettiest eyeshadow colors out there that works for all skin tones and eye colors in any season.  I think it's especially beautiful in the Fall, which is perfect since Fall is quickly approaching...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My Beauty Routine Mistakes

Hey everyone! Yesterday I was thinking about what I've been doing in my beauty routine that I've been slacking on.  Then I thought that I'm probably not the only one doing these or other people might be doing these things without knowing they shouldn't.  I'm going to share those mistakes I've been making in my beauty routine.  Let's get started...
  • Drinking water - Water is basically the only thing I drink.  If you read my post about hiding blemishes, you know that I had some break outs that were really frustrating me.  Last week I noticed that I had been lacking on the water.  Even though it's all I drink, I didn't feel that I was drinking enough.  Since then I've been downing water, and I've noticed a difference in my skin already.  DRINK YOUR WATER!
  • Wash your makeup brushes - I'm not saying that I never wash my brushes, but I'm guilty of not washing them as much as I should.  So many things can build up on your makeup brushes, and that might be a reason why you get break outs every now and then.  
  • Rubbing eyes -  If you're anything like me, you go to town with the eye rubbing in the morning and at night.  Every time I rub my eyes I have to stop myself because I know it's bad.  The skin around your eyes is so delicate.  It's never too early to prevent wrinkles, so I'm trying to hold back on the eye rubbing.
  • Pulling on your eyes - This kind of goes into the eye rubbing.  I noticed that I kind of pull on my under eye area when I apply my concealer.  I'm trying to remember to dab my makeup brush a little more gently.  If you apply under eye concealer with your fingers, use your ring finger to apply and dab.  It's the least harsh of all your other fingers.
  • Pat moisturizer on - Moisturizer is important, but the way you apply it is important too.  I catch myself rubbing my moisturizer on and pulling my hands down my face.  Again, I've heard this is a way that can cause wrinkles and drooping when you get older.  I try to remind myself to pat on my moisturizer.  
Those were some beauty mistakes I've been making.  Do any of you do these things?  I hope this was a good reminder for what not to do!  Have a great rest of the week!