Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Ultimate Las Vegas Room | Mood Board

Hey everyone!  Since it is now officially Summer, I'm sure many of you are on vacation mode.  Today I have a really exciting post as holiday inspiration, especially if you are headed to Las Vegas anytime this Summer.  I've teamed up with for a fun project showing you guys how I would use my personal style to come up with my ultimate hotel room!  Keep reading to see my Las Vegas room mood board!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

My First Lush Mask! | Review

Hey everyone!  For the past few weeks I've made some changes to my skincare routine.  I was going through some skin issues that I really wanted to fix, so I've been making sure to keep up with a specific skincare routine (I will have a post on this soon).  A couple weeks ago I picked up the Brazened Honey fresh face mask from Lush, and I have been LOVING it!  I didn't want to just include it in a favorites post because I felt like I really needed to explain this product, especially for those who may have the same skin type as me.  If you want to know more about this mask then just keep reading!

Friday, June 5, 2015

ColourPop | Haul + First Impression

Hey everyone!  I'm so excited for this post because it's about my first ColourPop purchase!  If you've never heard of ColourPop, it is a makeup company that started in Los Angeles that sells great products at extremely affordable prices online.  I've been hearing a lot about this company from many YouTubers, and once I found out they were giving away a free eyeshadow with purchase for their first birthday,  I couldn't resist ordering a couple of things to try out.  Read more to see what I got and what I think of them!