Thursday, June 18, 2015

My First Lush Mask! | Review

Hey everyone!  For the past few weeks I've made some changes to my skincare routine.  I was going through some skin issues that I really wanted to fix, so I've been making sure to keep up with a specific skincare routine (I will have a post on this soon).  A couple weeks ago I picked up the Brazened Honey fresh face mask from Lush, and I have been LOVING it!  I didn't want to just include it in a favorites post because I felt like I really needed to explain this product, especially for those who may have the same skin type as me.  If you want to know more about this mask then just keep reading!

Lush Brazened Honey fresh mask
$6.95 (in-store only)
Read about it here.

If you've never heard of Lush's fresh face masks, they're basically masks that are freshly made and must be preserved (refrigerated).  They have to be kept in the fridge and they only last for a certain amount of time before it starts to go bad.  They're made with really really great ingredients like fruits, vegetables, butters, and oils.

I told the girl working there what kind of skin I had and what I wanted to fix.  I explained to her that my skin gets really oily and I wanted to clear out my pores.  She recommended the Brazened Honey mask.  She did make sure to ask me if I had sensitive skin because the ginger can be really strong, but the honey helps to soothe it.  Basically, this mask is a very deep cleansing mask that draws out the oils in your face and cleans out your pores.  It also has ground almonds in it so it works like an exfoliator as well.

My first reaction was that it has a very unique smell, but it's really nice in my opinion.  I wash my face like I normally do, and then I apply the mask before toning and moisturizing.  Because the mask must be kept refrigerated, it feels really nice and cooling on my face.  I apply it all over my face and immediately I feel a tingle around my nose area that kind of burns, but it's nothing that I can't handle. I keep it on for about 10 minutes.  When I wash it off I like to use the ground almonds to exfoliate my skin, but I try not to be too abrasive.  Once I wash all of it off and dry my face, my skin feels SO SMOOTH.  I could tell that it helped to get rid of oil and my face just feels really fresh and looks bright.  Arounds my third time using it, I noticed that I could see the little whiteheads around my nose come out...almost like the mask helps to draw it out.  It's pretty amazing!

I definitely think you should try this mask out of you have skin like me.  But I do not recommend it if you have sensitive skin because of the burning I experience when I use it.  Unfortunately, you can only buy the fresh face masks in-store because they're not self-preserving.  I'm unlucky because I don't have a Lush in my town so I definitely won't miss a chance of picking one up whenever I'm around a Lush!

See more fresh face masks here.

Have you tried any of the Lush fresh face masks?  Which one is your favorite?  Thanks for reading!


  1. Lush masks are good, i had the seaweed one and i loved it even though the smell was a tad weird.


  2. I had a lush mask years ago and really liked it! Only downside was that they only last for a couple of weeks and have to be kept fresh :( xx


    1. Yeah I hate that they don't last that long, but I think they're worth it :)

  3. I've tried this and I must say they are great products but are not very budget-friendly (they are quite expensive for how little they last!) I definitely have to go back and get some more once I get some funds saved :)


    1. They can get a bit pricey, but I've tried lots of masks that didn't give me the same results this did so I think it's worth it! You just have to find the one that works perfectly for your skin. Thanks for reading :)

  4. These sound amazing!

  5. We have different skin types (I have dry and sensitive skin) but i've always wanted to try out a lush mask. Thanks for sharing your review. It really helped me narrow down the lush masks I want to try :)

    - Mariah-Ruthel

    1. I'm glad this helped you! This definitely won't be the mask for you but I have no doubt you'll find the perfect one! I'm excited to try more Lush masks! Thanks for reading :)

  6. I've tried the BB Seaweed one which I LOVE! Actually included it in one of my latest blogpost where I talk a little bit more in depth about it, go check it out if you want ----->


  7. I LOVE Lush products - they're lovely and always smell really lovely plus leave your skin feeling soft and smooth! :)

    Layla xx

    1. Lush is amazing! Can't wait to stock up on more :) Thanks for reading!

  8. I use the same product too! Although Lush is quite pricey, it's made up of quality ingredients and they really do the job!

    1. I agree, it can get quite pricey. But sometimes you gotta treat yourself!
